Sunday 25 March 2012

Not yet in Lahore...and passport-less

Liana in Lahore is not strictly accurate as Liana is currently in London.  My flight is tomorrow and yet I have no passport, which is not ideal.  I made the serious mistake of thinking that obtaining an Indian tourist visa would be simple.  So I made my way to the visa application centre a few days ago, having already submitted by online application, believing I would walk away with my visa. 

First, of course, there was the waiting.  As I sat there with hundreds of other forlorn looking people waiting for my ticket to be called, I should have realised, this would not be simple.  Finally my number - 6032 - was called and my passport and 50 quid taken.  The visa man informed stupid old me that of course the visas were not issued here.  They had to go to the High Commission for issuing and then back to the visa centre for processing and then back to me via courier (more money obvs). Alarms bells rang. This process would take three days.  And I fly in 5 days.  However, the visa man assured me it was all routine and there was no reason for me not to get my passport back in time.

So I went away happy.  And in blissful ignorance, continued with my travelling preparations.  Until Wednesday afternoon when I thought I would just check the status of the application.  A phone call revealed the following:

"Your application is on hold ma'am pending further evidence"

"What further evidence, I don't understand"

"It is quite clear ma'am, you must provide an employer's letter to show you are not a journalist, and that you are not visiting India as a journalist."

"But I don't understand, I've been working in a property department as a temp."

"You must provide a letter from your employer...."

"Ok, I can do that, can I email it to you?"

"No, you must take it to the processing centre and they will forward it to the high commission for consideration."

"But I don't live in long will it take?"

"I cannot say ma'am, at least 2/3 working days"

"But I fly on Saturday.  I just need my passport back now, please can I just cancel the application and just get my passport back please."

"You don't want the visa now?"

"I do want the visa but I cannot wait for it, I just need my passport back...Can you please just cancel my application?"

"I cannot do that ma'am, you must go to the visa application centre and formally request withdrawal."

"But that's in London again....ok I can do that, will they then give me my passport back?"

"Well of course not straightaway ma'am, they will send your withdrawal request to the High Commission who will consider it for you."

"But there's nothing to consider, I just want my passport back... How long will that take?"

"Two to three working days ma'am."

"But that is too long, I'm going abroad on Saturday - I need my passport"

"2 to 3 working says ma'am"

"is there no way to speed it up?"

"2 to 3 working days ma'am, 2 to 3 working days..."

So on Thursday I travelled to London and submitted my withdrawal request.  On Friday, I travelled again to London to see if I could persuade someone to give me back my passport before the 2 to 3 day waiting period comes to an end...

I don't hold out too much hope... 

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